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Project | 01 Fabrication of anti-microbial thin films

The goal here was to work on the fabrication of sustainable photocatalytic and antimicrobial, metal composite thin films that are economical, durable and most importantly, self-cleaning.


The project has great scope for practical, real-life applications. These self-cleaning films also have the potential to vastly reduce the risk of the transmissibility of pathogens through common surfaces.  


A teammate and I worked on two different composite films that were nearly ready to go, but the pandemic forced us to take a break from further work. Currently, one of my colleagues is continuing the work while I do my part remotely.     

Project | 02 Mesoporous Materials for Hydrogen Storage

This team project aims to synthesize an enhanced class of materials by bringing together our knowledge of materials, image processing, ML and neural networks techniques. I have done an extensive literature survey of the current research trends in this field and shall soon begin my work on the class of compounds we aim to achieve (cannot reveal much at the moment).

Project 03 | Magnetorheological Fluids for Practical Applications

In this project, we aim to establish the potential useful real-life implementation of ferrofluids. We are exclusively studying the properties and are looking for novel applications of the material. The project involves quite a bit of virtual and practical visualization for our proposed applications.


(Magnetorheological fluids are a class of special fluids that can increase their viscosity under the influence of external stimuli - magnetic fields, to the point of existing as a viscoelastic solid)

To know more or for possible work discussions, please feel free to reach out : 

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